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This post would be useful for you to develop an understand how to make a research proposal. Research proposal is an important step before starting any research. A very critical aspect of research proposal is research objectives, questions and methodology that would be use to achieve research objectives.

Research Title

The title of this research will be "study the role of human resource management to enhance the productivity of organization"


Human Resource Management (HRM) includes the process of managing employees at work to achieve organizational goals and objectives. These goals are achieved by strategic operations with the use of cultural, structural and personal techniques (Schuler and Jackson, 2007). With the change in environment and introduction of globalization, it has become important for the organizations to enhance employees’ productivity at work place. So, it will help to boost employees as well as organizational growth.

Research Question

In relation to this research, following will be the research question:

"How HRM is influencing employees to enhance productivity at work and in what ways?"

Research Objective

In relation to this case, following are the objective of this research:

  • To see the relationship between HRM and employees productivity.
  • To explore different elements of HRM responsible to enhance employees’ productivity.
  • To evaluate the way of influence people for more productivity at work place.
  • To identify the role of HRM in the growth of employees as well as organization.
Literature Review

According to Birdi, Wall and Wood (2008) HRM is a practice that enhances employees’ knowledge, skill, attitude and behavior. This enhancement helps to increase company performance. There are many ways for that such as motivate or train employees to work harder and more flexibly, encouraging the use of initiative, reducing the cost of supervision and other direct costs. As well as providing the opportunity for individuals to develop and use new knowledge and skill at work (Birdi, Wall and Wood, 2008). So, the human resource management plays a major part to increase productivity of organization.

On other hand Dysvik and Kuvaas (2008) argued about influencing employees about productivity. They said training and motivation cannot influence every employee in similar way. If employees can perceive that they are not being provided with sufficient training opportunities. It might develop higher turnover intentions (Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2008). So, from this statement it is found that perception of developmental HR practices and turnover intentions are negatively related to each other.


Employees are regarded to be the most valuable assets of a company. So, it is important for the organizations to have effective human resource management to enhance productivity of employees as well of the organization.

Research Methodology

Secondary source of data collection will be used to gather information regarding the research. Review of different literatures, books, articles, web sources will be used as secondary source of data collection (Goddard & Melville 2004).

Potential Difficulty

Every research has some potential difficulties that affect the creditability of the research. The potential difficulty regarding this research is the time constraints and accessibility of the information sources.

Action Plan

Action plan determines the activities to be taken for the accomplishment of research. Following action plan would be there with time schedule for this research:

Birdi, K., Wall, T.D. and Wood, S.J. (2008) The impact of human resource and operational management practices on company productivity: A longitudinal study. Personnel Psychology, 61, p.467-501.
Dysvik, A. and Kuvaas, B. (2008) The relationship between perceived training opportunities, work motivation and employee outcomes. International Journal of Training and Development, 12 (3), p.138-157.
Goddard, W. & Melville, S. (2004) Research Methodology: An Introduction. South Africa: Juta and Company Ltd.
Schuler, R.S. and Jackson, S.E. (2007) Strategic human resource management 2nd ed. Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell.

Data collection methods play significant role in a research process. Questionnaire method is a type of primary data collection method. This method is used in surveys. In this, research related question formats are distributed to people or respondents. By this method, researcher is able to collect data from wide geographical area. Questionnaire design is most important part of this method. Data quality largely depends on the design of questionnaire. An inappropriately designed questionnaire will not help to collect relevant and accurate data for research. If you face problem in designing a questionnaire, it is always advisable to seek dissertation help from your supervisor or some other expert.

While designing a questionnaire, the researcher must be cleared about aim and objectives of the research. By this, researcher can construct brief and satisfactory questionnaire. It also helps in adequate content designing of questions. The questions that can be analyzed to produce useful data should include in the questionnaire (Crouch and Housden, 2003). It ensures that questions are directly linked to research problem. The relevancy of data to research problem is necessary for sound decision making.

Question should be in easy and understandable language. Technical and jargon words should use, where it is necessary. Questionnaire content should be according to the type of respondents (Zikmund and Babin, 2009). In addition, question should be clear by meaning, so that every respondent can interpret same meaning. This helps in interpretation of data. These questions should not be ambiguous as it may produce ambiguous output.

Question should be logically sequenced and successive in order. This should start from easy question that able to make base for respondents. Questionnaire length should not be too long otherwise; it will become boring or irritating for respondents. This can be avoided by making focused and to the point questions. Questions must be framed according to importance and problem of the research. Researcher should not consider the interest of own as well as the respondents in making questionnaire (Browne, 2000).

Type of questions can be used:

Dichotomous Questions: This type of question has only two possible answers that is ‘yes’ or ‘no’. These questions are easy to ask, answer and to analyze as it gives straight answers. Some questions fall in both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ category, in this situation, this type of questions are no longer suitable. This makes ambiguous to respondents and make question invalid.

Multiple-choice questions: This type of question has all possible answers. It is very difficult to design as it not only contains question, but also includes all possible answers. These possible answers should be according to everyone’s point of view. It should be comprehensive as well as cover all possible answer that is why; it is difficult to design but easy to ask. This is most difficult task of this question (Crouch and Housden, 2003).

Open-ended: This is opposite from multi–choice question. In this, not a single possible answer suggested, so it can be respond in any way by respondents. Through this, respondents are free to express their view. The analysis and interpretation part is very difficult as there is intense variation in responses (Brace, 2008).

Rating scales: Attitude measurement and motivational research involves this question. For application of this technique, researcher must clear about what is required from them as well as from respondents. Rating scale measures complex and multi dimension concept that provides better information.

Brace, I. (2008) Questionnaire Design. 2nd ed. USA: Kogan Page Publishers.
Browne, D. (2000) Heinemann Business Studies for AS Level. UK: Heinemann.
Crouch, S. and Housden, M. (2003) Marketing research for managers.3rd ed. UK: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Zikmund, W.J. and Babin, B.J. (2009) Essentials of Marketing Research. 4th ed. USA: Cengage Learning.

Research can be defined as systematic investigation that contributes to knowledge. In this process data collection has significant role. Data means information which helps researcher to achieve research objective. The quality of research largely depends on collected information. The more reliable data leads to more trustworthy research. This is dependent on data collection method that researcher selects to achieve the objective. Data helps the researcher in decision making act. We hope that this post would be a good dissertation help for our students in assisting them with collection of data. There are two types of data and their collection methods are as followed:

Primary data: Data which are collected by researcher itself, said to be primary data. This data collection method is more authoritative as it is not collected by third party. This data provide raw form of information that can be tailored according to the need of researcher. As this data is collected by researcher, this makes it more expensive and time consuming than secondary method (Boba, 2005). This includes:

Observation method: This method is concerned with behavior. In this method behavior is recorded and observed systematically by researcher. Researcher can gather detailed information by this but it’s also time consuming method. In this method, researcher does not change behavior but record it as it occurs. This method is not flexible as survey method.

Questionnaire: This method used in survey. In this method, research related question format distributed by mail or internet. By this method, researcher is able to collect data from wide geographical area. This method is cost effective and easy to manage but also it is time consuming. Questionnaire can be open-ended and close ended. In open ended questionnaire, alternative responses not mention and in other alternative responses are provided to respondents. This method requires only literate respondents so it creates barriers for this.

Interview: In this data collection method, researcher collects data by communication with respondents. It can be through personal meeting or vie telephone. Interview format depends upon information quality and quantity of data that researcher requires for research. Researcher must clear about purpose of research before designing the interview question. Each question relates to research problem. Through this method, research able to access nonverbal behavior and gets immediate feedback. On the other hand, only small number of respondents can access and also it is time consuming method.

Secondary data: Data which are not collected or gathered by researcher himself or herself, it’s termed as secondary data. This type of data has previously collected by someone else for some other purpose (Hodges and Videto, 2005). There are two benefit of this data collection method. This method is less expensive and less time consuming. Through this method, data can be obtained easily and quickly but it’s not authoritative. On the other hand, this data is not fit according to the need of researcher as it is collected by third party for their own purposes. Books and periodicals, Government sources, Regional Publications, commercial sources, media sources and selected internet sites that provide financial data are some example of secondary data sources (Zikmund, 2009).

Boba, R. (2005) Crime analysis and crime mapping. USA: SAGE.
Hodges, B.C. and Videto, D. M. (2005) Assessment and planning in health programs. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Houser, J. (2007) Nursing research: reading, using, and creating evidence. USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Zikmund, W.G. (2009) Business Research Method.7th ed. USA: Cengage Learning.

This post by the experts of would explain the important of literature and how one should go about it. Literature review is the written and systematic summary of the research which is conducted on a particular topic. It summarizes the background and context of the research. Literature review exercises to analyze the area of the research, which has been resolved in the study. It is the outline of the research. It also shows the gap between the researcher’s curiosity and knowledge of the subject area (Boswell & Cannon 2009).

Literature review is most important to identify the problem of the study, which can be solved by collection of data. It is very important to know that the work is doing by researcher in a research should not be repeated again. Literature review observes about the work that it is doing, is repeating unintentionally. It also helps to avoid the mistakes, which already done by another one. So researcher can improve the research design and instrumentation, which was not successful at the last time (Cottrell & McKenzie 2011). A new research is depends on the past knowledge, and not includes a part of knowledge. A well created literature review establishes creditability of the researcher of the study, so he can get the entire benefit of his work (Leary 2004).

Literature review discloses appropriate theoretical structure of the study that helps to understand easily. It verifies that it has not been already done. It is the best way to establish the importance of the study (Houser 2007). Literature review is important to judge research question and to provide latest research material for the readers. Literature review makes it sensible because it uses both the side. In the literature review, researcher uses supportive argument as well as opposite (Writing Literature Reviews 2007).

Construction of Literature Review

A research can complete the literature review with the use of following stages. Firstly, he has to select an appropriate research topic on which he want to research. It is the first step of scientific research. Then he has to define the research question. It includes the information that should be related to the research topic (Ryan & Case 2010). After that he designs the plan that how these questions will be solved. It is the pre planning to solve the problems. It is the way by which problems can analyze.

After designing the plan, researcher goes to search for literature. In this step he has to find out materials, which is relevant to the subject matter. To find the matter books, articles, print or electronic media, newspapers, web sources etc. can use. These sources are use to collect the information (How to... write a literature review 2011). Once a matter has been searched than exclusion and inclusion criteria are decided. In this stage all the matter is evaluate to delete unnecessary matter. The last stage of literature review is synthesis, which means discussing the findings and conclusions of relevant literature. It is a summarizing part of literature review (The Stages of a Literature review 2010).

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that literature review is the most important part of the research to complete it. It is a central topic and body text of the research. It is synthesis concept of the study. It is an overall review of what a researcher found in the research program.

If you need any dissertation help and assignment help or any other aspect, please do send us an email to

Boswell, C. & Cannon, S. (2009) Introduction to nursing research: incorporating evidence-based practice 2nd ed. UK: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Cottrell, R. R. & McKenzie, J. F. (2011) Health Promotion and Education Research Methods: Using the

Five-Chapter Thesis/Dissertation Model 2nd ed. UK: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
 Houser, J. (2007) Nursing research: reading, using, and creating evidence. UK: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

How to... write a literature review. (2011) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 05 June 2011].

Leary, Z. O. (2004) The Essential Guide to Doing Research. London: SAGE publication Ltd.

Ryan, K. & Case, B. (2010) Research Preparation Things to do before Starting Library Research Projects [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 05 June 2011].

The Stages of a Literature Review. (2010) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 05 June 2011].

Writing Literature Reviews. (2007) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 05 June 2011].

A questionnaire is one of the important tools for collecting data through primary research. However, there are some important points that should be considered while designing a questionnaire:

Decide required information:

Researcher should be deciding all those information that is to ask from the respondent. All these information should be accurate and relevant with the research, because it is important to achieve research objective. If the information will be wrong, then objective cannot be achieved. A researcher decides about the information that is to be asked (Zikmund, 2003).

Decide target respondent:

A researcher should be deciding sample size of the research, so that it has been clear to identify the target population. A researcher decides two main components for interview. First is the target group from whom this will be conducted and other is the sample size of respondent (Survey Design, 2010).

Way to reach respondents:

A researcher decided the way for interview to the respondent to collect information. Researcher can conduct personal interviews, group or focus interviews, mailed questionnaires, telephone interviews etc. mostly, Personal and group interview are most used in the research (Survey Design, 2010).

Phrasing questions:

Phrasing of question is categorized by two basic types, are open ended and close ended. In open ended respondent have some problems, because researcher may more questions like, anything else? Could you tell me more about this? In case of close ended question respondent have certain option to answer, so there is rare problem (Zikmund, 2003).

Order and format:

A questionnaire should in certain format. It means starting questions should be easy and simple. Flow of question should be in psychological order, so that first lead naturally and easily to next. These should be in the knowledge and experience of respondents, so they feel comfort giving answer. All the questions should be more attractive and not impatient to give answer, because questionnaire may take half an hour to one hour.

Length of questionnaire:

A questionnaire should be limited so that it can be answered in a short time period. There are three types of questionnaire regarding length. In clinical questionnaire four pages, the same questionnaire plus the Europol five pages, and the same questionnaire plus the SF-12 seven pages, it should be short and sweet.

Pre-testing the questionnaire:

Once a questionnaire is made, it should be tested before using in the real study. Questionnaire should be checked in concern of question format, wording, and order. It will also helpful to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the survey. A researcher also tests validity and reliability of the questionnaire by pre-testing method (Pershing, 2006).

Developing final survey form:

A successful survey contains a well designed questionnaire and it gives good response. All the questions should be relevant and clear, so it makes it easy. It is the final outline of the form, which contain a set of questions for respondents. All these questions should be in a right mode (Siniscalco, & Auriat 2005).


Questionnaire is design for good survey results that is very effective for research. In the questionnaire, response and participation of respondent is valuable, because it is most important to complete the research objectives. Questionnaire plays an important role for generating new data and studies.

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Pershing, J.A. (2006) Handbook of human performance technology: principles, practices, and potential 3rd ed. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons.
Siniscalco, M. T. & Auriat, N. (2005) Quantitative research methods in educational planning: Questionnaire Design [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 30 June 2011].
Survey Design. (2010) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 30 June 2011].
Zikmund, W. G. (2003) Business Research Methods 7th ed. New Delhi: South-Western Cangage Learning.